Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

The purpose of this privacy statement (“Notice”) is to help you understand how we use your information, when and why we collect it, and how we keep it secure.

When you use our website you are agreeing to our Website Terms of Use, of which this privacy statement forms part. This means that any information you upload about yourself can be dealt with in line with this privacy statement. 

Please read this Notice carefully to understand our policies and practices regarding your Personal Data and how We will treat it. This Notice applies to individuals who interact with ITF services as set out below. This Notice explains how your Personal Data are collected, used, and disclosed by ITF Pharma Ltd (“ITF”, “We”, Us”). It also tells you how you can access and update your Personal Data and make certain choices about how your Personal Data are used.

This Notice covers both our online and offline data collection activities, including Personal Data that We collect through our various channels such as websites, and through our vigilance activities.

If you do not wish to provide the necessary Personal Data to Us (We will indicate to you when this is the case, for example, by making this information clear in our registration forms), We may not be able to provide you with our goods and/or services. This Notice can change from time to time (see Section 8).


​We are ITF Pharma Ltd, a company registered in England and Wales under registration number 15018988 with its registered office at 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX, UK

If you have any questions, comments and requests regarding this Notice, please contact us at


Depending on how you interact with ITF (online, offline, over the phone, etc.), We may collect various types of information from you, as described below.

  • Personal contact information. This includes any information you provide to Us that would allow Us to contact you, such as your name, postal address, e-mail address, phone number or fax number. 
  • Professional information. This includes any information you provide to Us relating to your profession and/or qualifications, but also information found in your curriculum vitae, information about your current and past interactions with ITF and about your participation in events, conferences and scientific studies, and other personal information that you may provide about yourself and your professional activities.
  • Information from computer/mobile deviceAny information about the computer system or other technological device that you use to access one of our Websites, such as the Internet protocol (IP) address used to connect your computer or device to the Internet, operating system type, and web browser type and version. If you access an ITF Website via a mobile device such as a smartphone, the collected information will also include, where permitted, your phone’s unique device ID, advertising ID, geo-location, and other similar mobile device data.
  • Websites/communication usage information. As you navigate through and interact with our Websites or newsletters, We use automatic data collection technologies to collect certain information about your actions. This includes information such as which links you click on, which pages or content you view and for how long, and other similar information and statistics about your interactions, such as content response times, download errors and length of visits to certain pages. This information is captured using automated technologies such as cookies and web beacons, and is also collected through the use of third party tracking for analytics and advertising purposes. You have the right to object to the use of such technologies, for further information please see  Section 7.
  • Consumer-generated content. Any content that you create and then share with Us on third party social networks or by uploading it to one of our Websites, including the use of third party social network apps such as Twitter. Examples include photos, videos, personal stories, or other similar media or content. Where permitted, We collect and publish consumer-generated content in connection with a variety of activities, including contests and other promotions, website community features, consumer engagement, and third party social networking.



We do not knowingly solicit or collect Personal Data from children below the age of 13. If We discover that We have unintentionally collected Personal Data from a child below 13, We will remove that child’s Personal Data from our records promptly. However, ITF may collect Personal Data about children below the age of 13 years of age from the parent or guardian directly, and with that person’s explicit consent as required by law.



Cookies/Similar Technologies. Please see our Cookie Policy to learn how you can manage your cookie settings and for detailed information on the cookies We use and the purposes for which We use them.

Log Files. We may collect information in the form of log files that record website activity and gather statistics about your browsing habits. These entries are generated automatically, and help Us to troubleshoot errors, improve performance and maintain the security of our Websites.

Web Beacons. Web beacons (also known as “web bugs”) are small strings of code that deliver a graphic image on a web page or in an email for the purpose of transferring data back to Us. The information collected via web beacons will include information such as IP address, as well as information about how you respond to an email campaign (e.g. at what time the email was opened, which links you click on in the email, etc.). We will use web beacons on our Websites or include them in e-mails that We send to you. We use web beacon information for a variety of purposes, including but not limited to, site traffic reporting, unique visitor counts, advertising, email auditing and reporting, and personalisation.

We also use Google Fonts, which is a web font service provided by Google that enables the optimisation of our Websites providing the correct fonts. We host Google Fonts locally without ever having to connect to a Google Server and thus collect IP addresses.


What We use your Personal Data for

Our reasons

Our legitimate interests

Patient/Consumer service

We use your Personal Data for consumer service purposes, including responding to your enquiries. We collect information about how Our Websites are used to be able to provide you with certain content and improve it based on the feedback We receive.  Responding to your inquires typically requires the use of certain personal contact information and information regarding the reason for your inquiry (e.g. responding to any questions or concerns you may have concerning your use of our products, order status, technical issue, product question/complaint, general question, etc.).

Fulfilling contractual obligations

Legal obligations

Our legitimate interests

Improving and developing new products and services

Being more efficient


Establishing and maintaining our relationship with Healthcare Professionals

We use your Personal Data to verify whether there is a potential business opportunity, reach out to you and inform you about our products and services, invite you to events and maintain a relationship with you. We also use your Personal Data to comply with our transparency related obligations regarding any Transfer of Values (ToVs) made to Healthcare Professionals

Legitimate interest

Your consent (where required)

Legal obligation

Maintaining a relationship with you

Assessing your interests and expertise

Consider future collaboration with you and reaching out to you in relation to such opportunities

Disclose publicly any transfers of value made to Health Care Professional, as required by law or in order to comply with applicable industry standards

For Website usage analytics. We may also collect and process information about your visit to our Websites, such as the pages you visit, the website you came from and the searches you perform. We may use such information to help improve the contents of the site and to compile aggregate statistics about people using our site for our internal usage statistics and market research purposes. In doing this, We may install “cookies” that collect the domain name of the user, your internet service provider, your operating system, and the date and time of access.

You can opt opt of this tracking either via the cookie banner options or by changing your browser settings.

With your consent (where required)

Our legitimate interests

Improve the efficacy of our Website



In addition to the ITF entity mentioned in the data controllers & contact section (see Section 9), We share your Personal Data with the following types of third party organisations:

Other ITF subsidiaries and affiliates worldwide. ITF and its subsidiary companies may share your personal data amongst and between each other for the purposes set forth in this Notice.

Service providers. These are external companies that We use to help Us run our business (e.g. website operation, support services, website development, data analysis, CRC, etc.). Service providers, and their selected staff, are only allowed to access and use your Personal Data on our behalf for the specific tasks that they have been requested to carry out, based on our instructions, and are required to keep your Personal Data confidential and secure. Where required by applicable law, you can obtain a list of the providers processing your Personal Data (see Section 9 to contact Us).



You have the right to access, correct, update, and delete your personal information. You also have the right to object to our processing of your personal information, to ask us to restrict processing of your personal information or to request portability of your personal information. You can exercise these rights by contacting us using the contact information provided on our website.

Access to Personal Data. You have the right to access and request a physical or electronic copy of information held about you. Where the data was not obtained directly from you, you also have the right to request information on the source of your Personal Data.

Additional rights (e.g. modification, deletion of Personal Data). Where provided by law, you can request deletion, objection, the portability, rectification of your Personal Data and restrict our processing of your Personal Data. You also have the right to know if you are the subject of automated decision-making, including profiling, and to object to such processing. Finally, you have the right to provide Us with your instructions on how your data should be processed after your death.

You can withdraw your consent at any time. Your withdrawal will not affect the lawfulness of the processing carried out before you withdrew your consent.

Please note that, in certain circumstances, We will not be able to delete your Personal Data without also deleting your user account. We may be required to retain some of your Personal Data after you have requested deletion, to satisfy our legal or contractual obligations. We may also be permitted by applicable laws to retain some of your Personal Data to satisfy our business needs.

If you wish to exercise one of these rights, you may send an email at [email protected] or writing to Us at ITF Pharma Ltd, 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX, UK, attaching a copy of your ID or equivalent details (where requested by Us and permitted by law). If the request is submitted by a person other than you, without providing evidence that the request is legitimately made on your behalf, the request will be rejected. Please note that any identification information provided to Us will only be processed in accordance with, and to the extent permitted by applicable laws.



We may update this Notice from time to time. We will notify you of any changes by posting the new Notice on this page. We reserve the right to make changes to our practices and this Notice at any time, please check back frequently to see any updates or changes to our Notice.



If you have any questions, comments and requests regarding our Privacy Policy, please contact us at [email protected]

Last Updated February 2024.

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